Thursday, December 10, 2009

Good meals on a budget

I really don’t want to talk about the economy, everybody talks about this situation and there is no reason to make dinner so depressive. I was talking to a friend of mine at work whose daughter is going to college next fall. She mentioned that she is going to start eating Ramen Noodles for the next four years. Remember the young years when Ramen Noodles were a must have in your kitchen? It was like a miracle meal; it’s cheap, quick and easy, and took care of the hunger right?
You can step it up a notch with Ramen Noodles and still have a great meal. I have to admit, I don’t keep Ramen Noodles in my kitchen. I am more of a fan of the rice and beans diet if I am feeling a little tight on money. However, one time after a camping trip I had a few packages left. While looking for a way to use these, I found this website: Budget 101. Little did I know they had so much potential. I found a recipe for Veggie Ramen, instead of cooking the veggies and noodles together I decided to cook them separate and mix at the end.
Veggie Ramen
Chop some veggies, whatever sounds good to you. Make a stir fry by adding a little bit of Canola or Olive oil (about a tablespoon) to a pan. Add your veggies and the seasoning from the package and cook as desired. I like my veggies crisp. If you feel you need to add more oil, add a tablespoon of water instead and cover. Bring water to a boil and add the noodles. Cook as directed, and drain. Add the noodles to the veggies and mix together.
You can find more ways to unleash the power of Ramen Noodles and make a nice meal and don’t break your budget at


  1. Okay... this sounds yummy and it makes you feel less bad about how horrible ramen is for you if you add some veggies!

    I like your blog

    you should check mine out at

  2. Your blog is AWESOME! Very good read and the recipes look great! I hear you about the economy. We're all mucking through it. In fact, me and my friends, who cannot afford culinary school are starting our self studies on chefdom. We'd love for you to join us and/or follow along and offer your kitchen wisdom. It's called The Culinary Institute of My Own Damn Kitchen. We are just telling the economy to stick it and we'll become chefs in the most untraditional way! Thanks for the recipes, and the great articles. I really need a good scratch chili recipe and it would be perfect to try right now.

